Hey guys, what's up. I'm here to give you 10 easy grooming tips every guy should follow. Grooming is an essential part of a man's life as it helps keep their face and overall body looking fresh. Now I'm not going to waste time on the intro let's move on.
1. Chill with the perfume and cologne
Guys, less is more when it comes to fragrances. Don't be like the typical middle school kid who bathes himself in AXE. One, you're just going to suffocate everyone in the room. Two, because you're literally a walking chemical bomb, everyone, especially the girls are going to avoid you as much as possible. A man should apply at least 2-3 spritz on their neck, chest, wrist, and etc.
2. Trim your neckline
I'm gonna say this first so I don't feel like a hypocrite. I do not trim my neckline as often as I should. The reason for this is when I do I get irritating razor bumps. What I do know is that when I'm sporting a neck beard I look unkempt, I look as if I didn't take the time to take care of myself and it's the same for every man. A man, including myself should trim their neckline every 5-7 days to keep their facial hair looking fresh.
3. Wash your face everyday
It should be common knowledge that everyone should wash their faces in the morning and night. But for those who aren't aware of this fact you should wash your face every day in order to get rid of the dead skin cells that accumulate on your face in order to prevent bacteria from forming and oily skin.
4. Wear Sunscreen.
Every man should be wearing sunscreen. While getting vitamin D is great for the skin, being exposed to the sun for too long isn't. The exposure to the sun's harmful rays can cause harm to the skin, for example, sunburns and worst case scenario: skin cancer. The cancer alone should be enough reason for any man to start using sunscreen.
5. Manscape
Some men may not know what manscaping even is. That itself is a problem. A lot of men are out there walking around looking big-foot without even knowing it or knowing how to prevent it. If it's your style to be hairy go for it, hey a lot of ladies like body hair nowadays. Now I'm not telling you to shave all your body hair, just trim it once in a while. In my opinion shaving all your body hair will just ending up making you look like a prepubescent boy. Also the regrowing process after removing all your body hair is just uncomfortable.
6. Trim your pubes
Yeah, I'm going there. No man should have a bush down there. If some of you are expecting your women to not be too hairy down there, you should have the same courtesy and not be so yourselves. Plus, having a hairy bush is just going to hide some of your manhood and give the illusion that it's less bigger than it is. Same with the previous tip, you shouldn't completely shave your pubic hair, just trim it once in a while to keep it looking clean.
7. Cut your finger and toenails.
Every guy should cut their finger and toenails. The reason for this is because nails contain dirt and germs and if not treated can lead to infections. Nails should be trimmed at least once a week or depending on the growth of your nails.
8. Brush your teeth twice a day
Body language is 90% of communication while the other 10% is verbal. During that 10% I, you and others wouldn't want your breath to smell like yesterday's dinner. Just imagine if a hot girl approached you and her breath was just as hot as she was! You wouldn't be as attracted as you were before if not at all. It's the same for girls, your friends, your family, and your boss. Having presentable breath shows that you take care of yourself and will likely have people talk to you compared to if you had bad breath. Obviously right?
9. Wear deodorant or antiperspirant
Let's say you're flirting with a girl, things are going very well then, bam! She backs away because your armpits decided to be a cockblock. To avoid this situation from happening to you a man needs to use deodorant to mask the unpleasant smell. As for sweat, antiperspirant takes care of that just fine. I recommend getting a stick that's both a deodorant and antiperspirant in order to get the benefits of both in a more compact way.
10. Hydrate your skin
This isn't exactly grooming, but it is a major contribution to making your face look great. Now it may not make a lot of sense and I understand why, but from what I've heard and from personal experience drinking more water helps your skin have a more radiant glow. Not only does it help your skin, but your entire body as well as it helps remove toxins from the inside of your body.