You are your own boss. Do not and I mean DO NOT let anyone tell you otherwise. The moment you start listening to those who preach "can't" is the moment you begin to believe in "can't". "can't" is a tyrant, an oppressor. It will oppress the inner leader inside of you, keeping him or her tightly wrapped in iron chains. The only one who can free them is you. You are a liberator no, THE liberator of the confidence and determination that will allow you to take that risk. "risk" is the rebel child of "can't". "risk" is what "can't" is afraid of. Why? Because "risk" is what forces you out of your comfort zone. To finally try out new things you never believe would be possible. "risk" is what threatens "can't"'s reign over you. "What does "can't" do?" you ask. "can't" like the coward it is starts to spread rumors about "risk". Bad rumors. "can't" tells you things that feed your fears of "risk". And overtime you begin to distance yourself from "risk". You stay in this scared and unfulfilled state for a while. That is until you meet "can" and "will". You may not know it yet, but these two brothers are going to be your greatest allies in taking control of your world away from the clutches of those who seek to defile it. "can" is what clear away the thoughts put in your head by "can't". And with those thoughts slain, it leaves your fear powerless and defenseless, allowing you to finally shed the mental weights weaponized against you. You've only won half the battle as you are now ready for "will"'s teachings. After gaining your newfound resolve with the help of "can" and from your great determination, "will" is what teaches to act on that resolve. To take action, to use your freedom for yourself and the many great things you want to do. To use YOUR life on YOUR terms. "Not on "can't"'s term or even "can" and "will". They're only there to help you gain that heated resolve you so desperately need. Mind you they are not there to make YOUR resolve. That's YOUR job and no one else. Sure you may have some loved ones that positively influence your resolve, but they are only your support. Only you can truly make that resolve and only you can use that resolve to its full potential.
Now the final battle has begun. You stand upon your goal with your two companions ready to help push you forward. "risk" in front of you, waiting for you to take it with a firm grip. And "can't" behind you, ready to topple your tower of courage with it's sharp tongue. Now ladies and gentlemen we approach the ending to this exciting story. An ending I do not individually have, for this ending is not A ending but THE endings. Endings decided by people like you and me. But I will tell you this. You will either be in chains trapped in the darkness or soaring in your mental freedom.
Honestly guys this speech/story was a project for one of my classes at school and I never thought I'd be posting my homework online. However, this got me so hyped and writing this piece was so motivating, I thought if I share it with the few of you reading this it would inspire you and brighten your day. Hopefully I hope this is the outcome when you leave this post if not I hope it's even better. Thank you guys for taking the time to read this.