Disclaimer: I have never had a girlfriend before, I have no credibility or experience on this subject. However, I thought this advice would be beneficial to you guys so, why not?
Alright, you guys have constantly been eyeing this girl, trying to work up the nerves to talk to her and ask her out. Then the day come when you decide you're finally going to just throw your nervousness in the trash can and ask this girl out. You walk up to her in your most confident self and when you get there you finally do it. You finally asked her out only to get rejected because she already has a boyfriend. Bloody crispies, what are you gonna do now gents? Well don't worry because Mr. SIN is here to give you guys some bombass advice on what to do if your crush has a boyfriend.
Move the FUCK on
It's pointless trying to get the girl at this point. You gents need to move on. You guys are too awesome to be wallowing in self pity over a girl. However, some of you may be thinking if you just try a little harder maybe she'll change her mind. If you show her how great of a guy you are she'll break things off with her current boyfriend for you! This plan is bound to work!
It's not.
If anything not only is this plan completely worthless it's going to make you look worthless in your crush's eyes and in your's as well. You're going to look needy which is not an attractive trait in a guy at all. By being needy it shows you have nothing worth going on in your life and that in turn is going to reflect in your own self-worth because the only you have going on in your life is going after this girl.
Okay guys you know what I'll bite maybe this plan will work. You'll show this girl how awesome you are and she'll break up with her boyfriend for you. Now you finally got the girl and your life is completely.
Until she leaves you for an even better guy.
Gents, you have to be wise about these things. If you could get this girl to leave her boyfriend for you what makes you think you're so special that she won't leave you for an even better guy? You're not. Fact of the matter is that there will always be someone better than you and any of these someone could steal your girlfriend. What goes around comes around.
Gentleman, for your sake, move on with your life.
Don't completely move on
Yes, this kinda contradicts what I said before, but I know there are some of you guys who just can't seem to move on. You just want a way to be able to get your crush who already has a boyfriend to become your girlfriend.
And I'm going to show you how.
Now hold on there. I'm not gonna show you how to steal the girl. You already know you shouldn't even be doing that in the first place because that's douchey and will probably backfire on you. However, what I am going to teach you is how to increase your chances of becoming her NEXT boyfriend if things doesn't work out with her current boyfriend.
Let's get on to it. How do you increase your chances of being her next relationship?
You get her to become attracted to you. Hold on, you're not trying to make her fall in love with you, you are simply getting her to become attracted to you. By doing this you are placing yourself as an "attractive option". Placing yourself as an attractive option is telling the girl that if things doesn't work out with her boyfriend and she now wants to date someone else, you are someone that she will WANT to date. Before I tell you guys how you can do this, first I need to tell you the mistake a lot of men are making when it comes to placing themselves as an attractive option. Some men end up confusing the attractive option with something called the "settlement option" which is basically where a man is in a position where a girl doesn't truly want them, but will settle for them nonetheless. Relationships where are a partner isn't truly wanted will be lacking and is bound to fail. You gents or anyone else don't deserve that. Now that we've got that covered let's show you guys how you can put yourselves as an attractive option. You do this by actually developing attractive traits for example, a fit body, confidence, charisma. Just because you're not attractive doesn't mean you can't become attractive. Being attractive is for the most part a learned skill that anyone can master and you develop that skill by working on yourself before working on others, specifically girls. Work on developing a great body, talk to people and build great relationships, and have a lot of great hobbies that you like to do. These are a few examples you can use to work on yourself. The message of this is to have a life, a great life, not an average life, a great FULFILLING life. Having a great life gives a girl security that if she enters your life, she's not entering a hollow one.
The next thing you gents will want to do is to start talking to her and befriend her if you haven't yet. You don't just talk to her though, you want to casually flirt with her as well. Not with the agenda of trying to get with her, but to subtly let her know that you are interested. Hell, by befriending and getting to know her you might actually find out you may not like this girl the way you think you did. However, you also don't want to start talking to her and then flirt with her after she ended her relationship because then you'll look like you befriended her just to get with her and that will make you look douchey. If you're going to do that you might as well not have befriended her at all because you're coming at it with an agenda.
I know from a third-person experience that some girls might not appreciate you flirting with her in any sort of way while they're in a relationship. If that's the case, then it's best if you stop and respect her space and just stick to making yourself more attractive.
Alright gents these are ways on what you can do if your crush as a boyfriend. If you guys enjoy and want more post like these or have a suggestion, then leave a comment down below. And if you're still not subscribed, then go ahead and do that IMMEDIATELY so you can be notified of every new post.